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5 Creative ideas on What to Do at Home

Have you found yourself spending more time at home than average? Well, us too! While the #StayHome campaign unravels wonderfully in our digital surroundings, spending all this time at home may have thrown us all a bit off balance, and it makes absolute sense. That’s why we’ve put together some novel suggestions that will hopefully inspire you to do more with your time, make the most of your homebound situation and keep that positivity at its highest levels!

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Remember that Aftereffects online course you were so excited to tackle, but had to focus on how to best outline your argumentation in your upcoming presentation? Spending more time at home can be perceived as one of two things: an unfortunate inconvenience or a welcome opportunity to succeed in all these learning goals you had once set, but life got in the way. An encouragement if ever there was any, you will find that as a student you deserve a whole lot of discounts, including – most likely – a free subscription to Lynda, which has now merged with LinkedIn Learning to offer a wealth of video tutorials that will give you a different kind of binge experience to the one you’ve probably been having on a daily basis. For those of you that are looking for more options to scour through are: Udemy, which often has flash sales so keep an eye out for those offers, FutureLearn, a platform that offers carefully curated courses for free, and of course, Coursera and Skillshare. There is an abundance of online resources available digitally, to guide you through new skills that will definitely come in handy in the near future!


Why is it that when DIY comes to mind, it’s mostly associated with primary school memories? Well, regardless of what you or myself may think of them at first glance, they’re an excellent way to look after your skin, add more quirky bits and bobs to your jewellery box, renew your studio and – most importantly – unleash your creativity! Wherever your interests lie, it could be anything from skincare to arts & crafts, it’s time to make the most of your imagination. Homemade scrubs, DIY scrunchies or home decor are all things that could be handy on a day to day basis but it’s rare that we would go into all the trouble of doing them with life getting in the way. Now, it’s the ideal timing to dedicate more effort into exploring both your creativity and your interests further… You may be surprised by what you come across!

Watch a Theatre Performance

No, that was definitely not a typo! The number of theatres around the globe that are welcoming digital audiences to their stages is overwhelming, and London’s sensational institutions couldn’t be an exception. Head to The Globe Theatre’s website to rent or buy a show for a small fee, that’s much less than the actual price of a ticket, whereas the Royal Opera House has launched a programme of streamed performances for the “culturally curious”. Anything from dance, opera and theatre shows can be found with a dive in the world of digital theatre, and then there’s the pinnacle of them all: Digital Theatre itself. With subscription packages, Digital Theatre offers an abundance of culture directly to your screen. With a little more research, you’re bound to come across independent public loans from a variety of artists, such as Inside, which was posted by its creator on Vimeo free of charge for all to watch. With a bit more dedication, we’re sure you’re bound to uncover even more sources of cultural stimuli to binge into during the upcoming weeks.

Browse a Museum’s Artworks!

Travel digitally from Brazil to South Korea and anywhere you wish around the globe, without ever leaving your home. Remember those long tours to museums you took on every trip you went to? You can still have them, just without the tiredness. The Natural Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea, Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, multiple of London’s own and lots more, have opened their virtual doors and are welcoming tours of their facilities and artworks, inviting crowds to keep sharpening their artistic knowledge and continue their travels in a metaphoric, yet enriching way… So set a Skype date with your friends and go on an outing much unlike the ones you’ve arranged previously, but equally fulfilling!

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Spending time at home entails finding some sort of variety to add to your life. As many work outs or cooking and cleaning sprees as you may throw yourself into, you’ll arguably end up spending a lot of time glued to a screen, either reading, watching or researching. It’s understandable for us all to find our screens the most useful bit of our lives for the moment being, there are ways that we can escape this habit for a little longer in the day… Podcasts and audiobooks have been heralded as the ideal counters to trying to pull out your book from your backpack in a crowded bus, but these days they also serve as a way for your mind to escape the norm, and your eyes and posture to take a break from its daily routine. So, don’t forget that there are many different ways of keeping your mind occupied with discussions, ideas and newfound knowledge than what you may have initially thought.

The Stay Club - Joao Lopes FilmsStay Home and Stay Fit - London Student Accommodation